Saturday, October 25, 2008


You do not have a clue where Herman Junction is. There are not many people who are still living that even remember that there ever was a “Herman Junction.” But, I remember it well.

There was indeed "news" in Herman Junction in the days when it was alive. There was never a dull moment to me at least. I suppose that when you have five brothers and two sisters there are not many boring days anywhere.

Herman Junction was a community exactly three miles south of Bay, Arkansas on "old" highway 63. It was called the "old" highway because a new one had been built that ran about one mile across the fields from where we lived. So, we had a "new" highway and an "old" highway. Now there is even a newer four lane highway a little further across some more fields, so I guess maybe my "old" highway would be called the "oldest" highway.

We moved to Herman Junction when I was about seven years of age. My Dad had bought three acres there and had spent several months buying the materials and building what my Mama would always call the "Big House" until the day that she died at the age of 92. Our house had a living room, kitchen, and 3 bedrooms with a front and back porch. That was it! Dad, Mom, and eight kids lived in that house and part of the time Grandma Halfacre lived with us, too. It did really seem like a big house, but according to 21st century standards it was very small. It was a grand place and stands to this day with James and Ann Ritchie being the only owners of the property except the Knight family.

I will tell you more of the news from Herman Junction as soon as I get my new "Blog" going where I can write all that I want to. If someone had mentioned a "Blog" at Herman Junction we would have all thought that it was a swamp somewhere or something of that kind. But, we know what a Blog is and I am supposed to have one soon and I’ll come blogging into your computer with the news from Herman Junction. There is no set time because you see the news came in spurts from Herman Junction, so it will not be like your newspaper and come every day to your front porch.

I sure have a lot to tell and I may even have a guest editor or two now and then as one of the other Knight kids wants to share a thing or two. Just be ready and enjoy the News From Herman Junction.

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