Monday, October 27, 2008


I have often thought about how far reaching the influence is of those who grew up at Herman Junction like I did. There were several families that lived there and many children in those families. We are all now scattered all over the United States and some of us have traveled all over the world. Not long ago a good friend of ours was talking to some other people about how she and her brothers and sisters as well as some of the other kids in the neighborhood would all walk out to the highway to our house to catch the school bus each morning. There was quite a brood of them and we had some fun together waiting for the bus and then when we got off the bus in the afternoon.

Today is October 26, 2008 and My Lady and I have just come home from the hospital where our first Great-Grandson was born a few hours ago. His name is DERICK MARTIN HARLESS and he is a healthy and big young man. I have mentioned before that we moved to Herman Junction when I was just a small fellow whose middle name is Martin. Today, our son whose first name is Martin has become a Grandfather to this strapping young man whose middle name is also Martin. His mother and father are Daniel and Brittany Harless and we are so thankful for them.

I wonder how many people there are whose roots go back to Herman Junction to the time when we lived there? Of course, there were many people there before us when the community was called by some other name. But, it was Herman Junction when I was there and still is to the people who grew up there during those years. I wonder where they all live and how much they have contributed to the world today? I am convinced that there is indeed a lot of good that came from Herman Junction through the families that made that their home in years gone by. I wish that all of our descendants could have lived there for some time like we did and I think that their lives would have been richer.

Yes, I believe that all is well at Herman Junction and may those who have come from its' citizens of long ago be a compliment to their heritage.

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