Friday, November 21, 2008


Suppose that you have given birth to FIVE boys (if you are a woman, of course) and they range in age from Eleven years to Twenty-Six months. Then you learn that you are pregnant again. There are no ultrasounds or other methods of technology so you won't know what the new one is until the Dr. tells you when it is delivered. Would you wish for another boy? Or, would you just nearly burst with anticipation of a little girl coming this time? I was the 26 months old fellow so Mom didn't talk to me about it too much so I don't know first hand what her heart was yearning for, but I was told later that she really wanted a girl.

Well, this time the girl came and she named her Linda Mary Knight. I can imagine the joy that she brought to Mom and Dad and those older brothers. When Kathleen Chester and I were born our mothers joked about trading me for Kathleen because Mom didn't have a girl. So, Linda filled Mom's desire for a little girl.

Have you ever been hit in the head with a SHOE? You see that is why Sisters are born! And, that is why my head is a bit whop-sided! Brothers that are just 26 months older evidently represent good targets for sisters acts of violence. You know that I would never think of doing anything that would deserve a blast with a shoe in the head! But, I got one. In fact, I may not have gotten more than one shoe in the head but there are other weapons that can be used you know. Besides that she was left-handed and left hands hurt more than right hands. You understand then some of the perilous times that I faced.

I suppose that I would have grown up and become a hermit if it had not been for Linda. I was so bashful that I would not think of talking to a girl about anything much less boy/girl things. So, when I was smitten with one Barbara Jean Earls and couldn't talk to her, Linda would relay bits and pieces of information between us and carry our notes back and forth until my tongue loosened up a bit. 'Bob' would come spend the night or come home with Linda on Sunday after church and eventually I could communicate with My Lady myself. Therefore, I have Linda to thank to a great extent for the 50+ years of happiness that I have enjoyed with My Lady.

There is no person that more personifies servant-hood to thier parents than Linda was to ours'. She lived near our parents as the years went by and was there to relieve thier every need. There is no way to count the number of trips that she made taking them to the doctor or the grocery store and everywhere else they needed to go. We lost Dad in 1994 and Linda checked on Mom every day until finally she just moved her clothes and things to Mom's house and lived with her while she continued to work. Upon Lin's retirement because of disability she moved into the house with Mom and provided her complete care day and night. Some of the others contributed to Mom's care, Ray and Rachel, Harvel and Bobbie and C.W., but Lin was there constantly. She continues to dwell at Herman Junction right next door to the 'big house' where we lived for all those years. Every year in the election she votes herself in as Mayor and she rules with an iron fisted left-hand. She is making sure that all is well at Herman Junction today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and you better believe it buster, all is well in Herman Junction because of her. Love you and I had to call her and read this to her. She got a huge kick out of this.

Love you,
