Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sometimes I did things that were just plain dumb for a boy from Herman Junction. You know a fellow from there should have been smart enough to know better than to cross Herb Knight but I guess it takes a lot of learning for me.

The boys were playing baseball and I knew it. I wanted to be there so bad that I could have spit straight up. It was a beautiful day and I could just see them playing baseball and here I was having to plant corn. It would take me long enough that the baseball playing would be over by the time I finished. So, being the brilliant guy that I was I devised a plan. I simply dug a hole and put all the corn in it! A man cannot plant corn if he has no corn, right? When you run out of corn you can run into town and play baseball because all the corn is gone, anybody can see that. So, that is what I did.

Why are Daddies that are so dumb, so smart sometimes? He came home and I was gone and he knew that I could have been super-corn-planter himself and could not have been done by that time. It didn't take him long to see where I had planted that corn and he scratched around and sure enough found it in that hole. What was a Dad to do under those circumstances? I'll tell you what mine did.

He came to the school yard and there I was with all my buddies playing baseball and having a great time. When I saw him drive up I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me like it did that corn. I didn't wait for him to come get me though right there in front of my friends. I took off to the truck and hopped in with guilt bearing down heavy upon me. The lecture wasn't too bad, in fact if this is all I get this is going to be OK. It was not to be that easy. We got out of the truck and he headed for a mulberry tree and I didn't make it to the house. I had already learned that when Herb was going to do the whaling, I needed to start yelling before he even started, hoping that the yelling might make it shorter. It didn't! He used that mulberry limb to it's fullest and then I had to go dig up the corn and plant it in rows like it was supposed to be planted. I wore those whelps a day or two and if the ACLU or someone like that had been in business I might could have gotten him in a heap of trouble. But, I have often wondered how some of the meddlers of today in some of these kinds of things might have done if they had tried to meddle in Herb Knight's discipline of his boys?

"Be sure your sins will find you out!" That is what the Bible says but I would know that even if it wasn't in the Bible because mine found me out too many times!

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