Tuesday, December 2, 2008


When one has a bunch of kids there is a greater need for a Doctor not only to bring them into the world but to keep them as healthy as possible. Dr. Burge delivered me and I am sure that I had to see him some after that, but I do not remember him. The Dr. that I remember most as a child was Dr. Tullos from Truman. While we didn't go to the Dr. as much as folks do nowadays, I do remember going to him from time to time. I remember not wanting to go to school one time and I really put on a show professing to have a terrible belly ache. They kept me home and took me to see Dr. Tullos and for some unknown reason Mom did not go into his office with me. So, he couldn't find any appendicitis or anything like that and told me to go on home. I went straight to the car and told Mom that he told me to go home and eat soup and drink cokes to help settle my stomach down. We went and got that and took off home and I had a fine day drinking cokes and enjoying my holiday from school. I was not more than 9-10 years old when that happened and it's OK for a feller that young to tell one once in awhile and I was pretty good at it Ray tells me.

But, the story that I enjoyed more than about any concerning Doctors was about something that happened before I was born. Mom told me this story not too many years ago. It seemed that Dad needed to go to Truman for something and Mom had the four oldest boys and they decided to go to Truman too. While Dad was inside some place attending to his business Mom and the boys just sat in the truck. Shortly, Dr. Tullos came out of his office and started walking down the street. Mom had the windows down in the truck and as he walked by she said, "Do you remember these boys?" He stuck his head through the window and looked them over and said, "Sure, I'd know those little old Morgans anytime!" Mom replied, "Those aren't Morgans, they're Knights." The good Dr. thought that she was Bill Morgans wife and those were the little Morgan boys. I guess that it might have been easy to get mixed up when delivering babies in big families like that in those days. Mom set him straight on that real quick.

Mom had to spend about four weeks in a rehabilitation unit before she passed away. I had some really good times with her while she was in there. One day we were sitting talking and a Doctor walked by and she said, "Well, there goes old Pusservin." I asked her what she said and she told me and I found out that she had just given him a new name for some reason. My Lady and I went to Indiana for me to preach in a gospel meeting and before we left I sent Mom a card to the Rehab unit. On the return address I wrote, "Burt Reynolds, Hollywood, Calif." When we came back from Indiana we stopped at the rehab place to see her and I said, "Mom, I've been to Indiana to preach." "Why, you have not," she said, "You've been to California, Burt." She loved aggravating the doctors but she was dead serious when Doctor Tullos thought that my four older brothers were Morgans.

What memories and how they bless my life and help me to know that all was well at Herman Junction.

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